Working with Integrated Graphene Lighthouse Projects

Author: Sean Lightheart

Open for collaborating on innovative applications

Integrated Graphene is the home of one of the world’s highest-performing forms of pure graphene: 3D Graphene Foam (3DG) and it is primed for use in your innovative applications including grant-funded projects. We are actively seeking partners who want to access and test our pure 3DG in their novel or disruptive product/application. With a wealth of in-house industry expertise, we focus on a holistic design for manufacture approach to product development and services, driven by a passion to enable the next generation of technologies and for advances in science and industry to be accessible today.

In recent years, the graphene industry has faced criticism for failing to deliver products that matched the high initial expectations following its discovery in 2004. Now, through our revolutionary, world-leading pure 3DG technology, that can be produced on any surface, in seconds – we can offer the world’s purest, commercially-viable 3DG that overcomes all existing barriers to launch pure graphene augmented products.


A history of successful lighthouse projects

To date, our group has worked on over 30+ lighthouse projects with academic and research institutes, delivering graphene-enhanced solutions in the fields of sensing, IoT, e-mobility, UAVs and EVs.

Through our evolution, we have gained significant experience in sensing applications and microfluidics /custom lab-on-a-chip development that allows us to offer a wide-range of in-house, multi-disciplinary development services that will take your product from concept to commercialisation.

Having collaborated alongside some of the world’s leading research institutions, we have extensive experience in forming project consortia, preparing and winning funding, and successfully managing collaborative R&D projects. We have a track record of accessing many different funding opportunities available at regional, national, European and even global levels.

Integrated Graphene is advancing OEM products and solutions by reducing the time to market. Our lighthouse projects put the focus on strategic objectives to develop practical solutions from which OEMs can benefit. The topics these projects address are geared towards economic requirements. By pooling our internal expertise and involving industrial partners at an early stage, we aim to turn original scientific ideas into marketable products as quickly as possible. This means we are able to offer a holistic design for manufacture service using our revolutionary technology for producing 3DG.

Our approach to collaboration is based on an experimentation-oriented focus that uses real-time data to give instant feedback about the effectiveness of our project initiatives. We focus on implementation, fast delivery and creating a positive culture for digital transformation.


Not just for a great paper, our Gii is commercially available, cost-effective and fully scalable

Whether you intend to go through the development/validation process or wish to take a product to defining design and performance, then we are ideally equipped to help you take your product to market. With an in-house multidisciplinary team, design, prototyping, proof-of-concept testing and iterative redesign services to take your concept beyond a great research paper.

The recent launch of pure, 3DG electrode, Gii-Sens™, demonstrates our product is not just conceptual but is a market-ready solution that can be the platform to drive your product to market, today. Thanks to our revolutionary graphene manufacturing process that enables pure, high quality, customisable graphene to be produced at scale and low cost. We then enhance our 3DG for specific applications, such as Gii-Sens a pure 3DG sensing electrode for enabling the super properties of graphene to be accessed by the medical diagnostic industry.

Contact our team at Integrated Graphene today to discuss your concept and unlock the transformative benefits of pure graphene-enhanced electrodes.



Integrated Graphene Meet the Team: No.11 - Alastair Graves, Manufacturing Engineer


Graphene Sensing to Overcome Assay Background Noise